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Welcome to The Barbour Institute

The Barbour Institute has been Tattenhall's Village Hall since 1898 and has served the village throughout the intervening years in many ways. A place for Parish Council Meetings, sporting activities including snooker and badminton and during the Great War of 1914-1918 it was requisitioned as an Army Hospital.

Its uses have expanded and grown over the last 120 years and it has always been a welcome venue for Tattenhall Amateur Dramatics Society and their many superb productions... it becomes a "theatre in the village". Today it is home to many activities and groups that cater from tiny tots through to every age group and interest. A hub for the village it hosts parties, celebrations and music concerts and is the focus of village life during Remembrance in November and Christmas. All rooms are well appointed and the Trustees are devoted to constant upgrading and improvements. Brides and Grooms are discovering how beautifully the building converts to a rural wedding venue.

Dear Friend of the Barbour Institute.

Many of you will have used the toilets in the Barbour Institute and we are sure you will have noticed that while they are functional, they are outdated, unappealing and cold. The toilets remain the last major improvement to be carried out since renovations began in 2000. Whilst we are not a bog-standard building, we do have bog-standard bogs!

All the monies raised by the TCA fundraising efforts (e.g., Jumble Sales, 200 Club, TADS raffles, selling refreshments at events like Wrestling and the upcoming Great War Exhibition) are used to make improvements within the Barbour, for the benefit of all our users. Examples of recent improvements include new curtains in both upstairs rooms, new flooring in the bar area and storage cupboards for all our crockery and cutlery.

And now we move onto the big one. Renovations to all the toilets will cost in excess of £24,000. We've already raised almost £6000 and are planning lots of fundraising initiatives within the next couple of months to boost that amount.

We have also teamed up with Space Hive, the only fundraising platform in the UK that is dedicated to community fundraising.

Space Hive have an all-or-nothing policy, which means that if we do not reach our fundraising target within the allocated time (end Jan 2024) your donation will be returned. So, we are asking you, and all our users of the Barbour, neighbours and friends, if you would be able to help reach our target, even in a small way, by going to and making a donation. You can also find more details about the proposed work by clicking on the link.

Thank you for your support and we look forward providing not-bog-standard bogs to all visitors in the near future.

Kind regards,

Tattenhall Community Association.

tel: 01829 771649


Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Contact Us
01829 771649

The Barbour Institute
High Street

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© 2024 – The Barbour Institute